Optimental, Pivot, Tolerex and Vivonex are all examples of elemental formulas. MCT oil is commonly the fat of choice because it is absorbed, rather than digested.Įlemental formulas are not usually in stores, however they can be found online (, , and are good websites to check). Just like in standard formulas, the goal of elemental formulas is to give a complete spectrum of macro- and micro-nutrients, however these formulas tend to be lower in fat because fat is harder for people to digest. This allows the body to digest and absorb what it needs from the formula more easily. While a standard formula typically has whole proteins, like casein, elemental formulas have broken down–or hydrolysed–versions of the casein in the form of amino acids. J tube patients usually eat elemental formulas, and some G tube patients may be prescribed elemental formulas in certain instances. These formulas are not commonly needed by oral cancer patients. Talk to your doctor about this.Įlemental formulas (also known as monomeric, hydrolysed, or chemically defined formulas) are different from standard formulas because their macronutrients have already been partly or fully broken down for those patients who have compromised digestive systems or nutrient absorption problems. Taking 6-7 Ensure Pluses a day can get pricey–especially long-term–but you may be able to get your insurance company to reimburse you if you have a doctor’s prescription. They can be ready-to-go out of the can or in the form of powder, requiring reconstitution with milk or water. Also, some stores have generic, store brands of standard formulas at a cheaper price (Walmart has Equate, Target has Market Pantry Nutrition Shakes, etc.). There are several standard formulas available in pharmacies, grocery stores, or online in the form or flavored oral supplements like Ensure, Boost, or Carnation Instant Breakfast. Sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium caseinatesĮach brand of formula also includes micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals deemed to be essential for nutrition.Here are some examples of typical macronutrient ingredients in standard formulas: The differences among standard formula brands and products come from proportions and sources of ingredients. Their goal is to provide the entire spectrum of macro- and micro-nutrients necessary for human nutrition. Standard formulas are intended for patients who are able to absorb and digest nutrients without difficulty. They could also include fish oils or modified oils such as MCT oils taken from coconut and palm oils. The fats for standard formulas are typically heat- or chemically-extracted from plant sources. The carbohydrate component is typically glucose polymers, such as maltodextrin, modified starches, and all varieties of sugar. The proteins are normally extracted from cow’s milk, soybeans, or protein isolates derived from other food sources. They contain proteins that haven’t been broken down (intact proteins) and polysaccharides. Standard formulas are the most commonly used by G-tube patients. Using this method, there are three different categories of formulas: standard, elemental, and specialized. An easy way to distinguish all the different types of commercial liquid nutrition is by their fat, carbohydrate, and protein (or macronutrient) sources. There are over 100 commonly used brand names of commercially prepared formula available, so there is no shortage of options to choose from when you and your doctor, or nutritionist, decide which formula is right for you.